Padraig (Paddy) is one of New Zealand’s leading local government and resource management lawyers, and a trusted advisor to some of New Zealand’s largest councils and council-controlled organisations (CCOs).

As an advisor, Paddy’s main areas of expertise include resource management (with a particular focus on water supply, wastewater and stormwater infrastructure), local government powers and decision-making, CCO governance, roading and land transport, regulation of water services, bylaws, legislative drafting and law reform.

Paddy is also one of New Zealand’s most experienced public law litigators.  He regularly appears for clients in judicial review and other public law proceedings in the High Court, Court of Appeal and Supreme Court.

Paddy is a member of the Resource Management Law Association and has been a regular presenter for the Resource Management Law Association, NZ Planning Institute, Water New Zealand, Taituarā (Society of Local Government Managers) and NZ Law Society events.

Chambers Asia-Pacific 2024
Public Law

Leading Lawyer

Asia Pacific Legal 500 2024
Projects & Resource Management

Leading Lawyer

Work Highlights


Obtaining resource consent to take 150 million litres per day of water from the Waikato River (and associated consents) under a Board of Inquiry process.

Auckland Council

Successfully defending in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court judicial review proceedings concerning its Provisional Local Alcohol Policy.

Auckland Council / Tauranga City Council

Assisting with select committee submissions on the Water Services Entities Bill and Water Services Legislation Bill.


Advice on its customer contract, infrastructure growth charges, trade waste and introduction of a new non-domestic wastewater tariff.

Hawkes Bay Councils

Advice on the establishment of a potential CCO to own and manage water, wastewater and stormwater assets.

Auckland Transport / Auckland Council

Successfully defending judicial review proceedings challenging the Regional Land Transport Plan on climate change grounds.


Obtaining discharge consents for the Auckland wastewater network, Pukekohe Wastewater Treatment Plant and South-West Wastewater Servicing Project.

Auckland Transport / Auckland Council

Successfully defending Environment Court appeals against a road stopping and private plan change, allowing the redevelopment of QEII Square and Commercial Bay in downtown Auckland.

Tasman District Council and Queenstown Lakes District Council

Successfully defending objections under the Local Government Act 2002 against development contributions.


Drafting and legal advice on the Auckland Trade Waste Bylaw and Auckland Water Supply and Wastewater Network Bylaw.

Areas of Expertise

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