Gerald is a resource management specialist, with a focus on large infrastructure projects, land transport management and policy, and Māori/Treaty of Waitangi issues.  Gerald brings an intimate working understanding of environmental, public works and local government law to multi-disciplinary project teams.

In addition to providing a wide range of legal and strategic advice within often highly public and political environments, Gerald regularly appears before a range of decision-making bodies, including council hearing panels, Boards of Inquiry, the Environment Court and the High Court.

Gerald primarily acts for government entities, including Auckland Transport, Auckland Council, and Waikato Regional Council.

Gerald is a member of the Resource Management Law Association. He is a contributing author of Local Government Law in New Zealand 2003.

He is a PhD candidate at the University of Auckland (Faculty of Law) and researcher with the James Henare Research Centre.

Gerald has Chaired several hearings panels under the Covid-19 Recovery (Fast-Track Consenting) Act 2020.

Work Highlights

Waikato Regional Plan Change 1

Acting for the Council in hearing and on subsequent appeals.

Auckland Unitary Plan 

Acting for the Auckland Council in relation to a range of topics, including stormwater, flooding, transport and designations.

Kaitiaki Forum 

Acting for all mana whenua groups to establish a kaitiaki forum to advise Watercare.

Ohinewai Development

Acting for the Waikato Regional Council to oppose the rezoning of land at Ohinewai.

Waikato Regional Theatre 

Acting for the applicant for resource consents and Heritage NZ authorities (including in relation to wahi tapu issues).

Local government/tangata whenua joint decision-making 

Advice to a council on the options.

Rena wreck 

Acting for a significant hapu on Motiti Island at council hearing and on their Environment Court appeal.

Hauraki Gulf Islands District Plan 

Acting for the Council in relation to appeals.

East-West Link 

Acting for the Auckland Council group in the Board of Inquiry hearing and in the subsequent High Court hearing.

Waterview Connection 

Acting for the Auckland Council and Auckland Transport successfully achieving greater levels of mitigation.

Auckland Stormwater Network consent 

Advising on the Council's stormwater network discharge application and subsequent Environment Court appeals.

Tauranga City Council 

Obtaining coastal, discharge, and land use consents for its Southern Pipeline project, including a pipe crossing the Tauranga harbour.

North Shore Busway 

Successfully resolving and defending appeals against designations and resource consents.

Tauranga City Council 

Obtaining designations, coastal permits, and consents for reclamations for the Tauranga second harbour crossing.

Auckland Transport Eastern Busway (formerly AMETI) Project

Advising on project development and consenting issues, and acting on appeals.

American forestry company 

40 lot rural subdivision/"forest-park" development on Matakana Island.

Areas of Expertise

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